Ever hear of a 20-hour layover? Well, I had one in Chicago, before my flight to Frankfurt, but I made good use of the time to visit some old sites from when we used to live there, years ago. I had to stay at a hotel Saturday night, but took the train to downtown and looked around a little. Plus, I got a few miles of exercise, helping me to get ready for all the walking in Germany. I even got to give directions to a British couple to the train station (since I knew that from when we lived there)! I even took the El train to Wrigley field, where a Cubs-Diamondbacks game was in progress. Of course, I didn't get to see any of the game but, like the 'Shut up and drink your beer T-shirt I accidentally bought in 2002, I saw a baby T-shirt that said, 'Shut up and drink your milk!'
I also got to eat one of the goo-ood Italian sausages that Chicago is famous for. (Food is always one of the best parts of traveling, no?)
Monday 5-11-2008
I arrived in Frankfurt after an extremely long flight. I think everyone on the plane was able to sleep most of it except me. I always have trouble sleeping while traveling. Frankfurt was 75 degrees and sunny. A little humid, but very nice! I checked into my TINY hotel room (about 6 x 12), which had a TV but no bathroom. It is across the hall, shared by everyone on the floor, but I had no trouble getting into it when I wanted.
I walked around town that day. Frankfurt is an unusual German city because it has a lot of high-rise buildings, but it also has an older part of town that shows a lot of its histroy. I even got to walk across the Main River that flows through town. Remember when we almost moved to Frankfurt, Mom, Norman and Jeanie, when Dad had that opportunity for a job assignment there?
I got to bed early, since I was going on half an hour sleep, and slept through the night, despite no air conditionaing and garbage tucks, police sirens and people yelling outside my window all night. I was up on the 4th floor, so I felt pretty safe in spite of it all.
I've made two rules for myself: walk and use the stairs whenever possible to get exercise and speak - and think - in German as much as I can, so I can learn the language better. Oh - and none more thing - eat a lot (but not too much) good German food!
Hey pops, I am glad that you made it to Europe! That is cool that you had some time to look around Chicago and even see Wrigley Field. I hope I can see the Cubs play there someday and that baby shirt sounds hilarious! It sounds like you have a nice cozy space in your hotel and I bet you are looking forward to all the great food you get to eat! Take care and know that we love you lots!
Hi Dad! I can't believe that you're actually in Germany!!! Wow, hopefully you're getting over your jet lag by now and finding your way around okay. Have fun and keep us posted on everything. I love you!!
Hey Mac!! Enjoy all that good German food. I´m defnitely looking forward to it! Glad you made it alright. That´s such a cute little German square, in Frankfurt, right. So I hope that you got my birthday present before you left so you can practice your German...have fun and see you soon!
P.S. You guys almost moved to Germany?! That would have been bomb!!
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